Haha, yeah. Well, I feel it's about time for it to all come over.
I spent my morning [and will continue to do so until lunch] sitting in the coffee shop that my sister works at. My dad was around until maybe... fifteen minutes/half an hour ago. We talked, which was pretty good. We got free breakfast because the bosses here are so boss themselves that the universe will probably collapse soon. Watch out.
I'm sitting by the window, which is pretty cool. I have my own little table in my own little corner. The walls are electric green, which capitalizes the awesome. It was snowing not too long ago, but it wasn't sticking. It looked like someone was ripping open a pillow from a plane. Now it's just raining.
So it's me and two other people in the shop right now. A twenty-something girl and a probably-thirty-something guy. The guy's about to leave. He says he has to get back to work as a law clerk. The girl is studying for her Chemistry exam, and she's probably going to leave soon.
I'll be here until about noon.
There's a guy outside trying to start his car, and epically failing. One of the bosses, whose name I have yet to learn [I think it's Tom, but I don'
t want to take any chances] , just stepped out to help him. The three of us inside are watching with fingers crossed. This is where human faith steps in. The Owner 1/2 has agreed to watch the car while Car-Guy runs down to get something to help him. Owner 1/2 waves to us through the window. We wave back. He sits in the drivers seat of the car and plays with the GPS.
Car-Guy returns, waving jumper cables. Owner 1/2 helps him get on his way.
See? Not everyone in the big city is an asshole. This makes my heart smile, like this --> :D
The bosses are totally awesome blossom with extra awesome. See, yeah... they were quoting the Office too, so leave me alone.
They like, wander back here when they aren't filling orders or making coffee or something. And they're all like, "So... Andi says etc. etc. etc." And stuff. And one came back and was like, "So how old are you again?" And I told him that I just turned ___ on Friday and he was like, "Whaaaaat? You're young as hell, man!"
By the way, I'm doing all of this instead of writing a thesis paper. It's exponentially cooler.
Everything here is pretty cool. Chicago is the perfect reason to wear hoodies and scarves. It's the perfect reason for an ungodly long road trip. It's the perfect reason to wake up at, what... five thirty, five forty five to go to work with your sister and write a blog instead of a thesis paper.
That's about it for now. I'll probably write you guys again when it starts snowing.

Me in my corner. The walls really are that green.
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