Thursday, September 25, 2008

Come Hell Or High Water.

Have I mentioned how much I dislike being the emo whiny kid with a blog?

Well, if I haven't, I do hate it.

And now on to whining.

There's this new girl, see, and this isn't entirely her fault, mind you. But she made me très uncomfortable multiple times today at just... completely random times.

Okay, background check:
  • just moved from South Carolina
  • considers herself "emo"
  • loves anime
  • loves loud, angry music [the kind that personally sometimes scares me...]
  • looks kinda like one of my extra good friends
  • does the whole pouty, apathetic thing when people watch
And, finally...

  • sucks up to me horribly.
Now, I recall myself saying that she's not entirely at fault, which is true. She is a new kid, so I have to cut her some slack on the sucking up and the uncomfortable awkwardness. But, still. Like many people I know of, she too lacks the filter between her brain synapses and her lips to tell her, "WAIT! Hey! You might offend somebody by saying this!" Which, unfortunately, is common with people my age.

So, today, she just kind of inadvertently blurts out these random things that are at least semi-important to the person I've created myself to be.

Things involving writing, people, acting, and self-harm.

Which are all kind of sensitive subjects with me, if you hit them at the right points.

So she's going on about them, and I'm sitting there without saying anything. She finally begins to harass me with questions about if I'm okay, because I seem quieter than normal. And I keep telling her that I'm fine or whatever, and she starts going on and on about the guilt trip I'm putting her on.

And in my head, I'm just saying, "Oh my God... I can't believe that I have another [person who isn't Ashleigh whose name I'm going to protect by putting this in here] in my life again."


Oh, and someone extra cool who I won't tell you has been keeping up with my blog. And under this cold, emo-ish teenager shell, I am geeking the fuck out!

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